
Sensorial Encounters: Haptic and Non-Visual Access in Art

Sensorial Encounters: Haptic and Non-Visual Access in Art is an exploratory workshop that challenges the primacy of visual perception and terminology in art and art history. Inspired by the methodological insights of authors such as Georgina Kleege, Elizabeth Bearden and Amanda Cachia, among others, this workshop que stions the traditional conflation of sight with knowledge. [more]

Reliquie murate – allestimenti, segni e memoria / Immured Relics – Display, Signs and Memory

This workshop is to explore the relation between relics and architecture. First and foremost, cases of relics physically built into the architectural fabric of churches and chapels will be addressed, such as columns whose capitals have been equipped with relics, triumphal arches or the apse’s semi-dome with relic depositories, “secret chambers” or even foundations and walls fortified by holy material. [more]

Literary and Cultural Circulation Between Italy and Brazil

As part of the 2024 celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of Italian emigration to Brazil, this workshop will explore the artistic and cultural ties between the two nations from the turn of the 20th century to the present. [more]

Pentimenti, ripassi, ritocchi: esempi per una casistica

Research Seminar
Pentimenti, ripassi, ritocchi caratterizzano tre versanti teoricamente e concettualmente diversificati dell’atto grafico autografo. [more]
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