Digital Humanities Lab

The members of the Digital Humanities Lab develop new methods and systems at the boundary between Art History and Computer Science. It also coordinates the digital infrastructures of the Bibliotheca Hertziana. The DH Lab also maintains a network of researchers and developers, from within the institute’s departments as well as from external institutions.
Together we collaborate on a range of DH projects, including digital mapping, text and image digitization, computer vision, digital publishing and Open Science. The Bibliotheca Hertziana welcomes fellowship applications from PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working in the Digital Humanities.
We are members of the Consortium for Open Research Data in the Humanities (CORDH).

Research Projects
The Digital Humanities Lab supports research projects of the institute in the field of Art History by providing digital assistance. It also conducts its own research into new computational methods for the Humanities, with particular emphasis on Computer Vision, geospatial analysis and open data. Publications of lab members will also be listed under this category. more
Online Resources
The Bibliotheca Hertziana maintains a number of online resources, tools and databases. Some are curated by the Digital Humanities Lab, others made by the Library or Photographic Collection. more
Tools and Development
The DH lab works on digital tools for research and infrastructure. Code repositories, data sets and documentation are publicly available. more
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