Photographic Campaigns
Photographic campaigns of architectural monuments and works of art are usually executed in connection with various research projects at the institute, but often they also anticipate future research and help to set new standards within the field of documentary photography. While organizing photographic campaigns the Photographic Collection seeks to establish exclusive of shared rights with the owners of the relevant works of art to allow for publication for scientific purposes and in the online catalog.
The photographic campaigns are executed by the Institute's photographer and external photographers, using the most modern technologies (e.g. Hasselblad, Pentax, Sinar, since 2019 Phase One IQ3 150MP).
Enrico Fontolan has been the photographer of the institute since 2014.
Recent photographic campaigns include:
- Rome, Villa Lante (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Italy (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, MAXXI/MACRO (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, Galleria Corsini (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, Palazzo Barberini (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, Palazzo Altemps (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, Palazzo Falconieri (E. Fontolan)
- Rome, Palazzo della Valle (R. Sigismondi)
- Rome, Palazzo/Galleria Colonna (R. Sigismondi)
- Rome, Casa di Goethe (E. Fontolan)
- Cava de' Tirreni (Photographers Pedicini)
- Ferrara (A. Vescovo)
- Naples, Santa Chiara and other buildings (Photographers Pedicini)
- Palermo (R. Sigismondi)
- Rocca dei Rossi a San Secondo Parmense (M. Magliani)
The Photographic Collection has actively collaborated and continues to collaborate today, among others, with a number of well-known photographers, but has also received photographs from and worked with several art historians: