Publication Prize
The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History annually awards a publication prize for outstanding art-historical studies dedicated to the history of Italian art or architecture (from late antiquity to the present day), ideally reflecting the main research areas of the Bibliotheca Hertziana, such as culture-specific spatial knowledge and spatial concepts in maps, pictures and texts; the history of Neapolitan art; Rome's art scene in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the history of aesthetics and art theory. Studies with innovative or interdisciplinary research approaches, which are devoted to Italian, more specifically Neapolitan and Roman, art and cultural history in their European or global context, or focus on epistemological, mediumtheoretical or aesthetic questions of the subject in the foreground of their investigation, are especially welcome.
The prizewinners are offered comprehensive proofreading and editing of their manuscript, and, at the discretion of the Bibliotheca Hertziana, a research fellowship of up to three months in Rome for the purpose of revising the manuscript for publication. The winning manuscript will be included in one of the Bibliotheca Hertziana's renowned publication series.
Candidates may submit only complete research projects written in either German, Italian or English of elevated linguistic (preferably native) level. Texts that do not meet the language requirements are not eligible for the scientific review process.The total length of the manuscript should not exceed 1,000,000 characters (incl. appendix and bibliography).
To participate in the selection, the following documents must be submitted:
- Summary of the research project on 5–10 pages, taking into account the scientific approach and presenting the most important research results
- Table of contents and indication of the number of all characters and illustrations of the entire study
- Short curriculum vitae with contact details and list of publications
The manuscripts entering the subsequent selection stages must be submitted in full and with the corresponding images.
The call for applications is usually available in June and published under Opportunities.
Federica De Giambattista (2023)
Ludwig Pollak (1868-1943) e il suo interesse per le opere d’arte medievale. Un protagonista del collezionismo e del mercato dell’arte nella Roma postunitaria
Philippa Sissis (2022):
Zwischen Artefakt und Produkt. Das humanistische Schriftbild in den Kopien Poggio Bracciolinis in Florenz um 1400
David Zagoury (2021)
The Wild Brush: Fantasia in Sixteenth-Century Italian Art and Theory
Marco Brunetti (2020)
A Vocabulary of the Antique. An Archaeological Reconstruction and the Reception of the Volta Dorata in the Domus Aurea of Nero
Adrian Bremenkamp (2019)
Altniederländische Tafelmalerei in der Krone Aragon. Tradition und Übersetzung
Jana Graul (2019)
Invidia als Künstlerlaster. Neid in Kunst und Kunstliteratur der Frühen Neuzeit
Anna Magnago Lampugnani (2018)
Der begeisterte Künstler. Inspirationsvorstellungen in der italienischen Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit
Chiara Perin (2018)
Renato Guttuso e il realismo italiano, 1944–1954