Curatorial Research Fellowship
The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome offers Curatorial Research Fellowships with a duration of three months to museum curators for projects on Italian art history from Late Antiquity to the present day in the context of their respective museum activities (e.g. curatorial research for the preparation of an exhibition or the editing of an inventory catalogue). A correlation to the current research priorities of the Bibliotheca Hertziana is welcome.
Curatorial Research Fellows receive a monthly reimbursement for accommodation expenses of up to € 2,000 and a one-off reimbursement of their travel expenses of up to € 400 within the EU and € 1,000 outside the EU, in each case upon presentation of the respective receipts. Fellows are given full access to the Bibliotheca Hertziana's research instruments during their stay. They are expected to spend the majority of their fellowship in Rome and to actively participate in the academic life of the institute.
Museum-employed researchers who do not reside in Rome or the surrounding area are eligible to apply. The call for applications is issued once a year in March for the following year and is published on the institute's website in the section Opportunities.
Curatorial Research Fellows
Françoise Barbe, M.A.
Department of Decorative Arts, Louvre Museum, Paris
Project: Catalogue raisonné des céramiques italiennes des XVe–XVIIIe siècles dans les collections du musée du Louvre
Clare Kobasa, Ph.D.
St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri
Project: Guercino’s Narratives: Storytelling in Baroque Italy.
Prof. Dr. Joan Molina Figueras
Museo del Prado, Madrid
Project: A la manera de Italia. España y el Mediterráneo en el último gótico (1320–1420)
Dr. Christian Tico Seifert
National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh
Project: Die Werke Adam Elsheimers in den Sammlungen der National Galleries of Scotland
Imogen Tedbury, Ph.D.
The Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California
Project: Norton Simon Museum Collections Catalogue
Milena Gallipoli, Ph.D.
Museo de la Cárcova, Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires
Project: Italian Copies of Italian Art: Producers, Consumption, and Circulation of Casts in Buenos Aires
Sarah Ganz Blythe, Ph.D.
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
Project: French artist Louise-Joséphine Sarazin de Belmont (1790-1871)
Elizabeth Rice Mattison, Ph.D.
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover
Project: Corrosive Thinking: Metals, Making, and Atmosphere in Early Modern Europe
Martina Tanga, Ph.D.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Project: Female artists working in urban spaces in 1970s Italy
Artur Badach, Ph.D.
Royal Castle, Warsaw
Project: Bernardo Bellotto. On the 300th Anniversary of the Painter’s Birth
Dr. Stefania Girometti
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Project: Die italienischen Zeichnungen des 17. Jahrhunderts in der Graphischen Sammlung des Städel Museums
Victor Hundsbuckler
Department of Drawings and Prints, Louvre Museum, Paris
Project: Drawing within friends. European Artists in Rome in the Seventeenth Century
Dr. Angela Windholz
Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio, Università della Svizzera italiana
Project: Die Grafiksammlungen der Architekten Augusto Guidini Sr. und Pietro Bianchi. Zur Funktion der Grafik in der Praxis der Architekten
Mikołaj Baliszewski, Ph.D.
Royal Castle, Warsaw
Project: The Great Awakening. Ruins of Antiquity and the Dawn of the Italian Renaissance
Elise Boutsen, M.A.
Rubenianum, Antwerp
Project: Œuvre catalogue of Hendrick van Cleve III, with more specific research on his stay in Rome and the function and interpretation of his imaginary Italianate landscapes
Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kessler
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Bode-Museum
Project: Der Antike auf der Spur – Martin van Heemskerck zeichnet Rom
Claire Van Cleave, Ph.D.
Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples
Project: The Farnese Drawings at Capodimonte/La Raccolta dei Disegni Farnese a Capodimonte
Andrea Alessi, Ph.D.
Museo civico e diocesano di Acquapendente
Project: Le commissioni francescane nella Gerusalemme d’Europa
David Pullins, Ph.D.
The Metropolitan Museum, New York City
Project: The Italian Grand Tour of Enslaved Painter Juan de Pareja, 1649–1651
Elise Boutsen, M.A.
Rubenianum, Antwerp
Project: Œuvre catalogue of Hendrick van Cleve III, with more specific research on his stay in Rome and the function and interpretation of his imaginary Italianate landscapes
Marina Vidas, Ph.D.
National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen
Project: Paintings in Gold: Sight, Reflection and Experience, 1320–1440
Dr. Mario Epifani
Soprintendenza archeologia belle arti e paesaggio, Turin
Project: Francesco De Mura tra Torino e Napoli (Ausstellungsvorbereitung)
Dr. Dorothee Hansen
Kunsthalle Bremen
Project: Untersuchungen zu einem frühen Hauptwerk von Friedrich Nerly: Landschaft der römischen Campagna mit Aqua Claudia
Dr. des. Marion Heisterberg
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kupferstichkabinett
Project: Die italienischen Zeichnungen des Cinquecento im Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden
Prof. Dr. Ana Gonçalves Magalhães
Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
Project: A Collection of Italian Modern Art in Brazil and the Roman Artistic Milieu in the 1930s
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweizer
Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath, Düsseldorf
Projekt: "Giardini pensili" – Ideen-, Bild- und Baugeschichte zwischen dem 15. und 17. Jahrhundert
Dr. Angelamaria Aceto
Ashmolean Museum Oxford
Project: Unveiling Raphael's drawing practice
Dr. Stefan Morét
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Project: Zeichnungen von Giovanni Battista Piranesi und seiner Werkstatt in der Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Dr. Gudrun Swoboda
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie
Project: Caravaggio & Bernini. Entdeckung der Gefühle
Dr. Ljerka Dulibić
Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters, Zagreb
Project: Italian Old Masters' Paintings in Zagreb's Strossmayer Gallery Acquired in Rome
Dr. Andreas Henning
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Project: Bologneser Malerei der Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden
Dr. Martin Hirsch
Staatliche Münzsammlung München
Project: Die silberne Stadt. Rom im Spiegel seiner Medaillen
Dr. Zoltán Kárpáti
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Project: Leonardo da Vinci and the Budapest Horse and Rider
Dr. Antje Scherner
Sammlung Angewandte Kunst, Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel
Project: Die Terrakotta-Modelle von Pierre Etienne Monnot (1657–1733) für zwei Marmorstatuen im Kasseler Marmorbad
Dr. Vasily A. Rastorguev
State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moskau
Project: Italian Renaissance Sculpture