People A-Z

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All
Cav. Brigitte Secchi
Head of Administration
  • +39 06 69993-231
Stephanie Seidl, M.A.
Library, Book Acquisitions and Cataloguing
  • +39 06 69993-335
Dr. Lothar Sickel
Research Associate
  • +39 06 69993-207
Alessandro Simonetta
Library, Support Staff
  • +39 06 69993-275
Hanna Sophie Stegemann, M.A.
Library, Assistant to Head Librarian, Article Cataloging
  • +39 06 699 93-285
Christoph Stolz, M.A.
Photographic Collection, Employee
  • +39 06 69993-255
Maria Tafelmeier, M.A.
Photographic Collection, Employee
  • +39 06 69993-487
Paolo Talone
Library, Support Staff
  • +39 06 69993-275
Dr. Tobias Teutenberg
Research Associate
Chris Tomlinson, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Fabio Usai
Facility Management, Technical Operations Manager
  • +39 06 69993-206
Leendert van der Miesen, M.A.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Julia Vázquez, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Simone Vicari
Receptionist & Ancillary services
  • +39 06 69993-298 / 485
Natalie Vitiello, Dipl.-Mus.
Photographic Collection, Employee
  • +39 06 69993-411
Ulrike Voss, M.A.
Library, Book Acquisitions and Cataloguing
  • +39 06 69993-317
Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen
  • +39 06 69993-475
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß
Project Leader
Dr. Klaus Werner
Library, Digitization, Scientific Subject Indexing
  • +39 06 69993-299
Anna Wilkens, M.A.
Library, Digitalization Rare books
  • +39 06 69993-203/444
Prof. Dr. Matthias Winner
Director Emeritus
Sabine Winter, Dipl.-Bibl.
Library, Data Processing
  • +39 06 69993-278
Stephanie Wisowaty, M.A.
Predoctoral Fellow
Prof. Vitale Zanchettin (Musei Vaticani/Università Iuav di Venezia)
Rudolf Wittkower Fellow
Tommaso Zerbi, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
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