Navigating the Victorian Photograph Album: Itineraries, Histories, Erasures

Keynote Lecture as part of the photo-historical seminar “Centers and Peripheries: Photography’s Geography Lessons"

  • Public event without registration
  • Date: Mar 18, 2025
  • Time: 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Luke Gartlan
  • Location: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Rome and online
  • Contact:
Navigating the Victorian Photograph Album: Itineraries, Histories, Erasures
Photograph albums of Victorian Britain have often been interpreted in terms of the social and familial networks of their compilers, but they also imply certain geographies – local and transnational, imagined and travelled – that are not always brought to the same level of critical attention. This lecture examines an impressive album compiled by Cecilia Mary Jocelyn, née Elliot, which is currently on permanent display at the National Portrait Gallery in London.

Luke Gartlan is Senior Lecturer in the School of Art History at the University of St Andrews. He is the author of A Career of Japan: Baron Raimund von Stillfried and Early Yokohama Photography (2016); and has co-edited two volumes: with Ali Behdad, Photography’s Orientalism: New Essays on Colonial Representation (2013); and with Roberta Wue, Portraiture and Early Studio Photography in China and Japan (2017).

Online partecipation possible through our Vimeo Channel:

Scientific Organization: Organized and led by Tatjana Bartsch (Bibliotheca Hertziana), Luke Gartlan (University of St Andrews), Johannes Röll (Bibliotheca Hertziana), and Steffen Siegel (Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen)

Please be aware that the Photo-Historical Seminar “Centers and Peripheries: Photography’s Geography Lessons" is not open to public.

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