The BHMPI holds the estates of renowned personalities in the history of the discipline, such as Joseph Croquison (1890–1977) and Franz Graf Wolff Metternich (1893–1978), as well as the scientific bequests of Friedrich Noack (1858–1930). The material is administered and supervised by Stephanie Seidl. It can be consulted with the permission of the library director Golo Maurer.
Digitized already available:
Friedrich Noack's Schedarium of Artists in Rome

The card index with stenographic notes on foreign artists in Rome kept in the library and systematically compiled by the German journalist and art historian Friedrich Noack (1858–1930) was digitised in 2006 and indexed by artist name. The data is stored in an eXist database, the scans are made accessible via a web interface.
Schede Noack
Friedrich Noack's Chronology of Germanica in Rome

A detailed, handwritten chronology compiled by Friedrich Noack for his work Das Deutschtum in Rom seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters [Germanica in Rome since the end of the Middle Ages] is available here in PDF format:
Detailed chronology of Germanica in Rome (PDF)
All archival records relating to the administrative history of the Institute since its foundation are located in the archive of the Max Planck Society in Berlin-Dahlem. These include, in particular, archival records on the founder Henriette Hertz (1846–1913), on the first directors Ernst Steinmann (1866–1934) and Leo Bruhns (1884–1957), and on the history of the Institute during National Socialism.