Baptiste Tochon-Danguy, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Main Focus

  • Sculpture
  • Materiality
  • Hylomorphism
  • Renaissance Art Theory
  • Renaissance philosophy

Research Project

Thinking with Materials: Exploring Materia Praeparata in the Early Modern Theory and Practice of Sculpture

Curriculum Vitae

Baptiste Tochon-Danguy is a post-doctoral fellow at the Bibliotheca Hertziana. He obtained his Phd in 2023, entitled Il 'furore' dell’arte: sculpture et métaphysique du mouvement, de Jacopo della Quercia à Giambologna under the supervision of Professor Stéphane Toussaint, at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris. He previously studied philosophy, aesthetics and art theory at the ENS in Lyon. He is interested in the relationship between art theory and philosophy in the Renaissance, and in the interactions between sculpted works and Renaissance thought, particularly in relation to Donatello, Pollaiuolo, Marsilio Ficino, Michelangelo and Benedetto Varchi. He is also interested in the epistemology of the history and theory of art and the reception of Renaissance art theory in the modern period; he has organised an international conference on modernity with Audrey Rieber and Pierre-François Moreau at the ENS in Lyon in 2019.

He has twice been a scholarship holder at the Villa Médicis and the Ecole Française de Rome (2020 and 2021) and he was awarded the young researcher prize of the Fondation des Treilles (Paris) in 2023. In 2023–2024, he was lecturer and research assistant in Philosophy and Aesthetics at the Jean Moulin University (Lyon) and at the ENS in Lyon.

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