Publications of Ivan Foletti
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Reflection: The Experimental Project of Migrating Art Historians. International Centre for Medieval Art Newsletter (3), pp. 7 - 10 (2017)
Journal Article
12, pp. 175 - 194 (2016)
L’Icona, una costruzione storiografica? Dalla Russia all’Occidente, la creazione di un mito. Annali di critica d’arte 3.
Journal Article
2 (2016), pp. 8 - 10 (2016)
Knihovna Hanse Beltinga v Brně: dějiny setkávání [The Hans Belting Library in Brno: a story of encounters]. Uměleckohistorická společnost (UHS) Bulletin Book (3)
Ritualizing the City. Collective Performances as Aspects of Urban Construction from Constantine to Mao. (2017)
The Medieval South Caucasus Artistic Cultures of Albania, Armenia and Georgia (Convivium, Supplementum [2016]). Brno (2016)
Centrum je v’Brně, je Brno v’Centru? Zpráva o aktivitách Centra Raně středověkých studií při Semináři dějin umění FF MU, 2012–2016 (Il centro è a Brno, Brno è al centro? Rapporto della attività del centro per gli studi sull’alto medioevo presso il dipartimento di storia dell’arte DD MU, 2012–2016). Brno (2016)
Proceedings (1)
2023). Brepols ; Masarykova univerzita, Turnhout ; Brno (2023), 173 pp.
Contextualizing Conques: Imaginaries, Narratives & Geographies (Convivium (Supplementum), Journal (2)
Convivium. Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean. Seminarium Konda-kovianum Series Nova.
Convivium. Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean. Brno
Contribution to a Collected edition (3)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Foletti, I.; Palladino, A.). Rom (2017)
Introduction. Performativity and Construction of the City: An Archetypal Question? In: Ritualizing the City. Collective Performances as Aspects of Urban Construction from Constantine to Mao, pp. 7 - 11 (Eds. 11.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Foletti, I.) (2016)
The Russian View of a ›Peripheral‹ Region. Nikodim P. Kondakov and the Southern Caucasus. In: The Medieval South Caucasus Artistic Cultures of Albania, Armenia and Georgia (Convivium, Supplementum [2016]), pp. 20 - 35 (Ed. 12.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Il IX secolo. In: Le committenze pontificie a Roma nel Medioevo, pp. 219 - 237 (Ed. D’Onofrio, M.). Roma (2016)