Staccioli Digital Archive

The archive of the artist Mauro Staccioli (1937–2018) is the subject of a digitization project carried out by the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for the History of Art, particularly its Digital Humanities Lab, the digitization unit of the library and its Photographic Collection in collaboration with the Mauro Staccioli Archive.
Mauro Staccioli became an art teacher after completing art school in 1954 and soon afterwards developed his own artistic practice. His early artmaking was strongly informed by both his teaching experience and his political militancy for the Italian Communist Party (PCI). In 1972, he developed his so-called »sculpture-interventions« — large temporary sculptures made of cement and iron placed in significant public locations. Today, our access to Staccioli’s impermanent “sculpture-interventions” of the 1970s and 1980s is mediated by the archive.