Publications of Adrien Palladino

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Palladino, A.: Della dissimulazione onesta: Richard Delbrueck, an ›Image‹ of Late Antiquity at the Dawn of National Socialism. Convivium 4, 1 , pp. 52 - 69 (2017)
Journal Article
Palladino, A.; Foletti, I.: Reflection: The Experimental Project of Migrating Art Historians. International Centre for Medieval Art Newsletter (3), pp. 7 - 10 (2017)
Journal Article
Palladino, A.; Foletti, I.: Knihovna Hanse Beltinga v Brně: dějiny setkávání [The Hans Belting Library in Brno: a story of encounters]. Uměleckohistorická společnost (UHS) Bulletin 2 (2016), pp. 8 - 10 (2016)

Book (1)

Palladino, A.; Foletti, I. (Eds.): Ritualizing the City. Collective Performances as Aspects of Urban Construction from Constantine to Mao. (2017)

Proceedings (1)

Foletti, I.; Hahn , C. J.; Racaniello, K.; Voyer, C.; Palladino, A. (Eds.): Contextualizing Conques: Imaginaries, Narratives & Geographies (Convivium (Supplementum), 2023). Brepols ; Masarykova univerzita, Turnhout ; Brno (2023), 173 pp.

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Palladino, A.: Rezension zu »La colonne Trajane. Édition illustrée avec les photographies exécutées en 1862 pour Napoléon III, hg. v. Hélène Chew u. Alexandre Simon Stefan, Paris 2015«. (2017)

Contribution to a Collected edition (3)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Scirocco, E.; Palladino, A.: The “Middle Ages” Interconnectedness. In: Convivium. Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean, pp. 12 - 13 (Eds. Scirocco, E.; Palladino, A.) (2021)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Palladino, A.: Gallien oder Rom? The 'Italo-Gallic' School of Early Christian Art. In: Orient oder Rom? Prehistory, History and Reception of a Historiographical Myth (1880–1930) (Ed. Foletti, I.). Rom (2018)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Palladino, A.; Foletti, I.: Introduction. Performativity and Construction of the City: An Archetypal Question? In: Ritualizing the City. Collective Performances as Aspects of Urban Construction from Constantine to Mao, pp. 7 - 11 (Eds. Foletti, I.; Palladino, A.). Rom (2017)
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