Predoctoral & Postdoctoral Research Fellows and Scientific Assistant (M/F/D) –
Max Planck Research Group "Machine Visual Culture: Artificial Intelligence and the History of Seeing"

Job Offer from March 12, 2025

The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) invites applications for predoctoral and postdoctoral research fellowships and a scientific assistant position within the Max Planck Research Group "Machine Visual Culture: Artificial Intelligence and the History of Seeing," led by Leonardo Impett.

About the Research Group

The Machine Visual Culture research group investigates the reciprocal relationship between artificial intelligence and visual culture, focusing on how machine vision systems both shape and are shaped by histories of seeing. Combining digital art history with critical AI studies and media archaeology, the group explores AI both as a revolutionary methodology for the study of visual culture, and also as a cultural phenomenon in its own right with important implications for the humanities. Machine Visual Culture offers an interdisciplinary approach that positions AI as both a subject of cultural critique and a transformative approach to art historical research.

We welcome applications from candidates of all disciplines; projects should be synergetic with the group’s main research interests, but do not have to follow it precisely. Projects may for instance engage with Digital Art History, Digital Humanities, History of Technology, Media Archaeology / Media Theory, Computational Aesthetics, Digital/Video/Media Art, or other relevant fields.

Eligibility and Application Requirements

Predoctoral Fellowships

The Predoctoral Fellows will pursue their own original research projects that align with the overall framework of the research group while working towards the completion of their PhD.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Enrolled as a PhD student at a university
  • A clear research plan that demonstrates how a fellowship in Rome as part of the Machine Visual Cultureresearch group will benefit the PhD project.
  • Excellent verbal and written proficiency in English
  • Ability to reside in Rome for the duration of the appointment
  • Willingness to actively engage in the group’s research activities, including seminars, reading sessions, and conferences

Application Documents

  • Cover letter (1 page)
  • Curriculum vitae (2 pages)
  • Description of research project including timeline (max. 1000 words, not including bibliography)
  • Sample of work or sample publication (max. 2000 words)
  • Contact details of two referees (reference letters are not required upfront)

Postdoctoral Fellowships & Scientific Assistant

The Postdoctoral Fellows & Scientific Assistant will develop an independent research project that aligns with the research group’s themes. They will work closely with the group leader and contribute to the planning and organisation of seminars and workshops. The Scientific Assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) is a more senior role and will involve advanced research contributions, coordination of collaborative projects, supervision of junior researchers, and support in strategic planning and grant writing. Active participation in the activities of the research group and institute is expected.

Eligibility Criteria

  • PhD completed by the start of the appointment. If you expect to complete your PhD during the fellowship, please apply for the predoctoral fellowship.
  • Research project that aligns with the MPRG Machine Visual Culture. We particularly welcome applications from researchers interested in our themes of machines and visual culture, but all relevant proposals will be considered.
  • Excellent verbal and written proficiency in English
  • Ability to reside in Rome for the duration of the appointment
  • Willingness to take a leading role in the research group’s research activities, including seminars, reading sessions, and conferences

Application Documents

  • Cover letter (1 page). Please state in your cover letter whether you wish to be considered for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow, Scientific Assistant, or both.
  • Curriculum vitae (2 pages)
  • Description of research project including timeline (max. 1000 words, not including bibliography)
  • Sample of work or sample publication (max. 2000 words)
  • Contact details of two referees (reference letters are not required upfront)

Terms and Conditions

The group launches in Spring 2025. Positions are available for up to 12 months in the first instance. Fellows would normally be expected to start in September 2025 but earlier or later start dates may be considered. The Scientific Assistant position is available to start as soon as possible. All positions offer competitive salaries and excellent working conditions.

The Max Planck Society is committed to fostering gender equality and diversity. We encourage applications from candidates of all backgrounds. Additionally, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the representation of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and encourages applications from candidates with disabilities.


Application Deadline and Submission

Applications must be submitted in English by 14 April 2025.

All application materials should be submitted via the application portal.

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