Elisabetta Scirocco, Ph.D.

Wissenschaftliche Assistentin

Interessi di ricerca

  • Medieval Art and Architecture, with a geographical focus on Central and Southern Italy
  • Concepts, Aesthetics and Functions of Sacred Space in Western Christianity
    from the Middle Ages to the post-Vatican II
  • Funerary Sculpture
  • Historiography, Collections, and Restorations of Medieval Art
  • Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters
  • Digital Art History

Progetti di ricerca

Concepts and Practices of Sacred Space in Medieval South Italy
Neapel und die Naturkatastrophen: eine Kunsthistorische Katastrophenforschung

Curriculum vitae

Elisabetta Scirocco specializes in medieval and early modern art and architecture, with a focus on Central and Southern Italy. She has a permanent position as researcher at the Bibliotheca Hertziana-MPI for Art History, where she is scientific assistant (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin) in the Department directed by Prof. Dr. Tanja Michalsky since 2015. She studied Italian Philology and Art History at the University of Naples Federico II, where she received her doctoral title in Art History in 2010. She has been a researcher and scientific assistant at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - MPI (2010-2013, 2014-2015), postdoctoral researcher at the University of Naples (2013-2014), and scientific collaborator at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (2015). As predoctoral and postdoctoral researcher, she has joined collaborative research groups funded by the Italian State (PRIN, University of Naples, 2004-2005), the DFG (SFB 640, Humboldt University, 2009), and the EU (ERC-Project FP7/2007–2013, 2013-2014; H2020_MSCA-RISE 101007770, 2021-2024). She has been invited lecturer in History of Medieval Art at the Masaryk University of Brno (WS 2012–2013, 2014–2015, 2016–2017). Her interests revolve around historical spaces and cultural heritage issues, focusing on questions of preservation, destruction and reconstruction in their various forms. In her art historical research on the Middle Ages and early modern age, she works on the relationship between fragmentation and unity and the reconnection of art objects to their spatial context.

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