Pubblicazioni di Adrien Palladino
Tutti i tipi
Articolo di rivista (3)
Articolo di rivista
4, 1 , Pagg. 52 - 69 (2017)
Della dissimulazione onesta: Richard Delbrueck, an ›Image‹ of Late Antiquity at the Dawn of National Socialism. Convivium 2.
Articolo di rivista
Reflection: The Experimental Project of Migrating Art Historians. International Centre for Medieval Art Newsletter (3), Pagg. 7 - 10 (2017)
Articolo di rivista
2 (2016), Pagg. 8 - 10 (2016)
Knihovna Hanse Beltinga v Brně: dějiny setkávání [The Hans Belting Library in Brno: a story of encounters]. Uměleckohistorická společnost (UHS) Bulletin Libro (1)
Ritualizing the City. Collective Performances as Aspects of Urban Construction from Constantine to Mao. (2017)
Atto di convegno (1)
Atto di convegno
2023). Brepols ; Masarykova univerzita, Turnhout ; Brno (2023), 173 Pagg.
Contextualizing Conques: Imaginaries, Narratives & Geographies (Convivium (Supplementum), Recensione (1)
Rezension zu »La colonne Trajane. Édition illustrée avec les photographies exécutées en 1862 pour Napoléon III, hg. v. Hélène Chew u. Alexandre Simon Stefan, Paris 2015«. (2017)
Contributo per raccolta (3)
Contributo per raccolta
Scirocco, E.; Palladino, A.) (2021)
The “Middle Ages” Interconnectedness. In: Convivium. Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean, Pagg. 12 - 13 (Ed. 8.
Contributo per raccolta
Foletti, I.). Rom (2018)
Gallien oder Rom? The 'Italo-Gallic' School of Early Christian Art. In: Orient oder Rom? Prehistory, History and Reception of a Historiographical Myth (1880–1930) (Ed. 9.
Contributo per raccolta
Foletti, I.; Palladino, A.). Rom (2017)
Introduction. Performativity and Construction of the City: An Archetypal Question? In: Ritualizing the City. Collective Performances as Aspects of Urban Construction from Constantine to Mao, Pagg. 7 - 11 (Ed.