Risultati della ricerca
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Articolo di rivista (6)
Articolo di rivista
Objects, drawings and texts as tools of persuasion: the interactions of three Dutch microscopists with the Royal Society around 670. Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, 20240045 (2025)
Articolo di rivista
37, Pagg. 1 - 21 (2022)
Translating Medicine, ca. 800–1900: Articulations and Disarticulations. Osiris 3.
Articolo di rivista
Das vormals Unsichtbare vermitteln: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek und seine mikroskopischen Experimente. Jahresbericht 2019 der Max Planck Gesellschaft (2020)
Articolo di rivista
27, Pagg. 485 - 544 (2019)
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, His Images and Draughtsmen. Perspectives on Science 5.
Articolo di rivista
35, Pagg. 211 - 222 (2019)
The Practice of Copying in Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: an Introduction. Word & Image 6.
Articolo di rivista
35, Pagg. 256 - 276 (2019)
Copying Images in the Archives of the Early Royal Society. Word & Image Libro (1)
Antoni. Van Leeuwenhoek en de microwereld. Uitgeverij WBOOKS, Zwolle (2023), 127 Pagg.
Recensione (2)
111, Pagg. 159 - 160 (2020)
Review: Dániel Margócsy, Mark Somos, and Stephen N. Joffe, "The Fabrica of Andreas Vesalius: A World-wide Descriptive Census, Ownership, and Annotations of the 1543 and 1555 Editions, Leiden et al. 2018". Isis 9.
Review: "Ad Vivum? Visual Materials and the Vocabulary of Life-Likeness in Europe before 1800, Lei-den/Boston 2019". 21: Inquiries into art, history and the visual, Pagg. 477 - 480 (2020)
Contributo per raccolta (2)
Contributo per raccolta
127, Pagg. 12 - 25 (Ed. Fransen, S.). Uitgeverij WBOOKS, Zwolle (2023)
Tekenen, tekenaars en tekeningen. Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) en zijn afbeeldingen. In: Antoni - Van Leeuwenhoek en de microwereld Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, 17.04.2023-15.01.2024, Vol. 11.
Contributo per raccolta
Jan Baptista van Helmont and his Theory of Translation. In: Selbstübersetzung als Wissenstransfer, Pagg. 49 - 70 (Ed. Willer, S.; Keller, A.). Berlin (2020)
Raccolta (1)
Translating Medicine across Premodern Worlds. Chicago University Press, Chicago (2022), V, 303 Pagg.