Pubblicazioni di Dario Rodighiero
Tutti i tipi
Articolo di rivista (8)
Articolo di rivista
6, Pagg. 34 - 47 (2022)
Extending Museum beyond Physical Space: A Data-Driven Study of Aldo Rossi’s Analogous City as a Mobile Museum Object. International Journal for Digital Art History 2.
Articolo di rivista
10, Pagg. 197 - 211 (2022)
Conspirations des réseaux plats : dessiner des visualisations sur une surface sphérique continue. Études digitales, Cartographie et visualisation 3.
Articolo di rivista
Surprise Machines: Revealing Harvard Art Museums’ Image Collection. Information Design Journal, November (2022)
Articolo di rivista
38 (4), Pagg. 44 - 62 (2022)
COVIC: Collecting Visualizations of COVID-19 to Outline a Space of Possibilities. Design Issues 5.
Articolo di rivista
55 (3) (2022)
A Visual Translation of the Pandemic. Leonardo 6.
Articolo di rivista
Immersive Architectures for Data Literacy. Information Design Journal, Information design in response to the Covid-19 pandemic (2022)
Articolo di rivista
Ars Memorativa as the Genesis of Information Design: A Conversation with Manuel Lima. Nightingale (2021)
Articolo di rivista
2 (2021)
Making Visible the Invisible Work of Scientists during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Visual Culture Studies Capitolo del libro (2)
Capitolo del libro
Weather map: a diachronic visual model for controversy mapping. In: Zoomland: exploring scale in digital history and humanities, Pagg. 449 - 467 (Ed. Armaselu, F.; Fickers, A.). De Gruyter, Berlin (2023)
Capitolo del libro
Fragmentation du visage et datafication du monde: réflexions à partir d’une analyse qualitative et quantitative des images de stock d’intelligence artificielle. In: Sémiotique du visage futur, Pagg. 103 - 127 (Ed. Giuliana, G. T.; Leone, M.). Aracne, Roma (2023)
Contributo per convegno (3)
Contributo per convegno
Mapping techniques for an automated library classification: the case study of library loans at Bibliotheca Hertziana. In: Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Pagg. 127 - 143 (Ed. Antonacopoulos, A.; Hinze, A.; Piwowarski, B.; Coustaty, M.; Di Nunzio, G. M. et al.). 28th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24. settembre martedì - 24. settembre venerdì. Springer Cham (2024)
Contributo per convegno
Orchestrating Cultural Heritage: Exploring the Automated Analysis and Organization of Charles S. Peirce's PAP Manuscript. In: HT '23: Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 28. HT '23: 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Rome, 23. settembre lunedì - 23. settembre venerdì. Association for Computing Machinery, New York (2023)
Contributo per convegno
Orchestrating cultural heritage: exploring the automated analysis and organization of Charles S. Peirce’s PAP manuscript. 34th ACM Conference on hypertext and social media, Rome, 23. settembre lunedì - 23. settembre venerdì. Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 28, Pagg. 1 - 4 (2023)
Altro (2)
Mapping Affinities: Democratizing Data Visualization, (2021)
Cartographie des affinités: Démocratiser la visualisation des données, (2021)