Risultati della ricerca
Tutti i tipi
Articolo di rivista (5)
Articolo di rivista
16 (3), 58, Pagg. 1 - 30 (2023)
Experiential Observations: An Ontology Pattern-Based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2.
Articolo di rivista
16 (3), 63, Pagg. 1 - 27 (2023)
The Facets of Intangible Heritage in Southern Chinese Martial Arts: Applying a Knowledge-driven Cultural Contact Detection Approach. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 3.
Articolo di rivista
15 (3), Pagg. 1 - 20 (2022)
Digitizing Intangible Cultural Heritage Embodied: State of the Art. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 4.
Articolo di rivista
27, Pagg. 1 - 16 (2022)
Shout LOUD on a road trip to FAIRness: experience with integrating open research data at the Bibliotheca Hertziana. Journal of Art Historiography 5.
Articolo di rivista
Understanding the Phenomenology of Reading Through Modelling. Semantic Web, 12, Pagg. 191 - 217 (2021)
Atto di convegno (1)
Atto di convegno
Assessing the Expressivity of Iconclass to Embody Emotional Features in Classical Iconography. SWODCH 2024. Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage 2024, Tours, 24. ottobre mercoledì - 24. ottobre giovedì. (2024), 12 Pagg.
Contributo per convegno (7)
Contributo per convegno
Mapping techniques for an automated library classification: the case study of library loans at Bibliotheca Hertziana. In: Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Pagg. 127 - 143 (Ed. Antonacopoulos, A.; Hinze, A.; Piwowarski, B.; Coustaty, M.; Di Nunzio, G. M. et al.). 28th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24. settembre martedì - 24. settembre venerdì. Springer Cham (2024)
Contributo per convegno
PubLink: editorial workflow for digital scholarly publications in the humanities. In: HT '24: Proceedings of the 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Pagg. 318 - 322. HT '24 : 35th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Poznan, Poland, 24. settembre martedì - 24. settembre venerdì. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States (2024)
Contributo per convegno
Orchestrating Cultural Heritage: Exploring the Automated Analysis and Organization of Charles S. Peirce's PAP Manuscript. In: HT '23: Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 28. HT '23: 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Rome, 23. settembre lunedì - 23. settembre venerdì. Association for Computing Machinery, New York (2023)
Contributo per convegno
Orchestrating cultural heritage: exploring the automated analysis and organization of Charles S. Peirce’s PAP manuscript. 34th ACM Conference on hypertext and social media, Rome, 23. settembre lunedì - 23. settembre venerdì. Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 28, Pagg. 1 - 4 (2023)
Contributo per convegno
Hypertext as Method: Reflections on Hypertext as Design Logic. In: HT '23: Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 45. HT '23: Proceedings of the 34th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Rome, 23. settembre lunedì - 23. settembre venerdì. Association for Computing MachineryNew YorkNYUnited States, New York (2023)
Contributo per convegno
Magnetic Margins. A Census and Reader Annotations Database. In: Digital Humanities 2023: Book of Abstracts. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as opportunity. (DH2023) , Graz, 23. luglio lunedì - 23. luglio venerdì. Graz (2023)
Contributo per convegno
Referency: Harmonizing Citations in Transdisciplinary Scholarly Literature. In: Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries: 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, Padua, Italy, September 20–23, 2022, Proceedings, Pagg. 528 - 532 (Ed. Silvello, G.; Corcho, O.; Manghi, P.; Di Nunzio, G. M.; Golub, K. et al.). Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries - 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, Padua [Italy], 22. settembre martedì - 22. settembre venerdì. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (2022)
Recensione (3)
Vincenzo Lombardo, Tugce Karatas, Monica Gulmini, Laura Guidorzi u. Debora Angelici, Transdisciplinary Approach to Archaeological Investigations in a Semantic Web Perspective. Semantic Web, Special Issue Cultural Heritage (2021)
Nicolas Lasolle, Olivier Bruneau, Jean Liebe u. Laurent Rollet, Temporal Knowledge Representation for Historical Cor-pora: Application to the Henri Poincaré Correspondence Corpus. Semantic Web, Special Issue Cultural Heritage (2021)
Basel Shbita, Craig A. Knoblock, Yao-Yi Chiang, Weiwei Duan, Johannes H. Uhl u. Stefan Leyk, Building Spa-tio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps. Semantic Web (2021)
Contributo per raccolta (5)
Contributo per raccolta
Knowledge organization of the Hong Kong Martial Arts Living Archive to capture and preserve intangible cultural heritage. In: Digital Humanities 2022, Pagg. 329 - 332. Tokio (2022)
Contributo per raccolta
Ontology-Mediated Cultural Contact Detection Through Motion and Style in Southern Chinese Martial Arts. In: Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage. Bozen (2021)
Contributo per raccolta
Relaxing Global-as-View in Mediated Data Integration from Linked Data. In: Semantic Big Data @SIGMOD 2020, Pagg. 1 - 6. Portland (2020)
Contributo per raccolta
Linked Data Principles for Data Lakes. In: Data Lakes, Pagg. 145 - 169 (2020)