Imported Relics in Rome from Damasus I to Paschal I
International Workshop
- Online participation possible via zoom.
- Beginn: 12.10.2020 00:00
- Ende: 14.10.2020 00:00
- Vortragende(r): International Workshop
- Ort: Due to current safety regulations the workshop must take place without an audience on site.
- Gastgeber: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Rom & Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte
- Kontakt:

The discovery, salvage, transport, reception and deposition of these imported relics were elaborately staged and (re-)commemorated in a variety of media. Imported relics could become an identity-forming part of the city, while at the same time, imports of relics changed the sacred topography of Rome. This little-studied aspect of the Roman cult of saints and relics is to be explored within the framework of an interdisciplinary workshop. The focus of interest will be: the hagiographic profile of the imported saints, the changes in the sacred topography of the city, the codification of new forms of the cult of relics as a result of their import, the use of artistic media and, last but not least, the motivations of the actors involved.
Online participation possible via zoom. Please register following THIS LINK.
Due to current safety regulations the workshop must take place without an audience on site.
Scientific Organization: Adrian Bremenkamp, Tanja Michalsky, Norbert Zimmermann
Montag, 12.10. 2020
14:30 Begrüßung und Einführung
Norbert Zimmermann, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Rom
Tanja Michalsky, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte
15:00 Ortwin Dally, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Rom
Reliquien in Rom vor dem Christentum
15:30 Alessandro Bonfiglio, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Il culto dei martiri stranieri a Roma e la questione dei calendari. Da una rilettura dello studio di E. Donckel
16:15 Kaffee- und Lüftungspause
16:45 Maya Maskarinec, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Where Are the Women? Foreign Saints and the Construction of a Masculine Rome
17:30 John Osborne, Carleton University, Ottawa
The Relic Lists of Sant’Angelo in Pescheria and San Silvestro in Capite
18:15 Andrea Antonio Verardi, University of Helsinki
Hic beatissimus praesul multa corpora sanctorum requiens invenit: Politica papale e importazione di reliquie a Roma tra VIII e IX secolo
Dienstag, 13.10. 2020
9:45 Teodoro De Giorgio, Università del Salento, Lecce
Felice IV (526-530) e il culto dei santi orientali a Roma
10:30 Kaffee- und Lüftungspause
11:00 Donatella Nuzzo, Università degli studi di Bari
San Leucio di Brindisi: il culto a Roma e in Italia meridionale tra tarda antichità e alto medioevo
11:45 Simone Schiavone, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Da Costantinopoli a Roma: le reliquie di Filippo e Giacomo il Minore dalla recente ricognizione nella Basilica dei Ss. XII Apostoli
12:30 Zwischendiskussion
13:00 Mittagspause
14:00 Alessandra Cerrito, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Il culto di S. Anastasia a Roma
14:45 Alessandro Vella, Musei Vaticani
Ubi ipsa corpore iacet: il culto di Tecla e le sue reliquie, a Roma e in Occidente
15:30 Kaffee- und Lüftungspause
16:00 Armin Bergmeier, Universität Leipzig
Barbaren und Sarazenen: Reliquienraub in Rom, Anagni und Venedig
16:45 Cristiana Filippini, University of California in Rome
La scena di traslazione sulla facciata della basilica paleocristiana di San Clemente: stratificazioni interpretative
Mittwoch, 14.10.2020
9:00 Davide Bianchi, Universität Wien
Reliquie e devozione nella Roma di Gregorio Magno
9:45 András Handl, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Papst Symmachus als Förderer der Importkulte im römischen Liber pontificalis
10:30 Kaffee- und Lüftungspause
11:00 Maria Lidova, Independent Scholar
Dalmatian Saints in Rome. An Attempt of Relic Import in the Seventh Century
11:45 Manfred Luchterhandt, Universität Göttingen
Reliquien als materielle Identitätskerne in Migrationsprozessen. Die Päpste und der Nahe Osten im frühen Mittelalter
12:30 Abschlussdiskussion
Image: Translation of the Relics of St. Clement, mural painting, end of 11th century, San Clemente, Lower Church (color photogravure from: Joseph Wilpert, Die römischen Mosaiken und Malereien […], Freiburg i. Br. 1916, vol. IV, pl. 239)