Duccio Nobili, Ph.D.



  • History and theory of sculpture (XIX and XX Centuries), Italy and abroad 
  • Russian and East-European Avant-Garde  
  • Transnational exchanges in the Cold War years  
  • Art, politcs and society in Sixties’ and Seventies’ Italy  


Red in the Eyes. Artists, Mass Culture and Russian Avant-garde in Italy, 1968–1977


Duccio Nobili received his Ph.D. at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa in 2022, with a dissertation devoted to some issues of survival and re-invention of the sculptural medium in Italy from 1967 to 1978. He is currently working on the protest iconography of the Italian Student Movement,  focusing on the reinventions and reuses of the Russian Avant-Garde visuals. During his studies, he worked as visiting and research fellow at Paul Mellon Centre in London, Bibliotheca Hertziana –Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome and the DFK-Centre Allemand d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris.   

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