Events Archive

Vortragender: Workshop
From the early decades of the twentieth century, Europe – followed by North America after 1945 – became the nexus of migratory flows of artists, objects, ideas, and cultural agents, particularly from Latin America. Yet, while the presence of Latin American artists in the United Kingdom and France has been the subject of extensive and ongoing research projects, the same is not true for other European countries eschewing the powerful axis of Paris - London - New York. The 2-day workshop welcomes research contributions that decenter such canonization of the transnational to recover histories that involve other places of arrival and a new polycentric understanding. What was the impact of artists settling at the so-called margins of Europe? How did they contribute to an ongoing international dialogue crossing the European continent and a process of hybridization of local narratives? [mehr]
This workshop is organized by the ProJestArt Research Group, Agents: Jesuit Procurators and Alternative Channels for Artistic Circulation in the Hispanic World (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), in collaboration with Prof. Tristan Weddigen (Bibliotheca Hertziana-Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome). [mehr]

Literary and Cultural Circulation Between Italy and Brazil

As part of the 2024 celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of Italian emigration to Brazil, this workshop will explore the artistic and cultural ties between the two nations from the turn of the 20th century to the present. [mehr]

Sensorial Encounters: Haptic and Non-Visual Access in Art

Sensorial Encounters: Haptic and Non-Visual Access in Art is an exploratory workshop that challenges the primacy of visual perception and terminology in art and art history. Inspired by the methodological insights of authors such as Georgina Kleege, Elizabeth Bearden and Amanda Cachia, among others, this workshop que stions the traditional conflation of sight with knowledge. [mehr]
A double, in the figurative sense, refers to a situation or concept that has two possible interpretations. What happens when we transpose this notion of the double into the digital realm, precisely in the context of a digital transition that affects the way we build, govern, and imagine cities? [mehr]

Digital Research Infrastructures for Art History

Presentation of recent Initiatives at the Bibliotheca Hertziana and the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris (INHA) with a Lecture of Federico Nurra, Head of the Digital Research Service at INHA. [mehr]
The Photographic Collection of the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome will host the second annual meeting of the Working group Italy of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. The workshop will focus on primary sources and archival collections in post-unitarian Italy, which serve as a fundamental tool for provenance research. [mehr]
The purpose of our 2nd workshop is to focus on co-creation towards a joint product via productive discussions and/or ad-hoc working groups. Possible products include a joint cartography that captures the coverage of available information from antiquity to the present, and a roadmap for the research community. While we provide a foundation, participants are encouraged to bring their own ideas and data! [mehr]
The aim of the workshop is to analyze how the relationship between artistic representations and new forms of entertainment contributed to the construction of Italian identities during the nation-building process. Particular emphasis will be placed on aspects related to gender, the exhibited and spectacularised body, race and colonial dynamics, as well as regionalisms and the social and class differences that entertainment has contributed to normalising and/or transgressing. [mehr]

Drawing Comparisons: Images in Comparative Anatomy, 1500–1900

The history of art and the practice of anatomy have long depended upon similar acts of comparison: identifying, visualizing and describing likenesses. This workshop investigates the role of images in developing comparative anatomy — the study of anatomy across species — in early modern Europe. [mehr]

Scultura italiana dal secondo dopoguerra agli anni Ottanta

Il workshop “Scultura italiana dal dopoguerra agli anni Ottanta” — in occasione della mostra “Mauro Staccioli: Cementing a Legacy” presso Bibliotheca Hertziana — mira ad approfondire aspetti meno studiati e controversi della scultura italiana del secondo dopoguerra, prendendo come punto di partenza l’opera di Mauro Staccioli in tutte le sue sfaccettature. [mehr]

Media Histories of Sculpture

As Marshall McLuhan argued in his seminal Understanding Media, the “hybridizing or compounding” of media “offers an especially favorable opportunity to notice their structural components and properties.” This workshop seeks to explore sculpture’s intermedial entanglements and asks what these may reveal about the medium of sculpture. [mehr]
Historic cities are reconstructed and represented in numerous different projects around the world, whereby the hermeneutics of the procedure are not addressed enough. This workshop aims to discuss historical representations of urban spaces (in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern times) in comparison with the representations of these spaces in digital art history, focusing on the relationships between precision and interpretation. [mehr]

Observing and Thinking through Drawing

In this workshop we explore practices of drawing as an act of observing the world. With examples from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries we will discuss the traces of thinking, learning and observation that we can find in drawings by artists and scientific practitioners. [mehr]

Towards a Collaborative Cultural Analysis of the City of Rome

The purpose of the workshop is to explore the state-of-the-art and the joint emerging opportunities towards a perhaps radically novel, collaborative, and multidisciplinary understanding of the city of Rome, as imagined, represented, and enacted in historical sources and modern data. [mehr]

Now we have seen. Women and Art in the Seventies in Italy

A thematic and methodological comparison between the participants and with the public preparatory to the publication of the homonymous collective volume, scheduled for spring 2024, dedicated to the relationship between art and feminism in 1970s Italy. [mehr]

Marks of Music: Sound and Visualization in the Early Modern Period

“Marks of Music: Sound and Visualization in the Early Modern Period” is an interdisciplinary workshop on the manifold uses and trajectories of notating and visualizing music in the early modern period. [mehr]
In light of recent studies on artistic and political solidarity movements, this workshop proposes to connect a series of practices that emerged in the Euro-American context during the 1970s and 1980s. The starting point for this reflection is situated in Chile during the period of Augusto Pinochet's civic-military dictatorship (1973-1990) and takes into consideration its historical, political and cultural precedents. [mehr]

Fumetti underground tra ricerca e festival mainstream

Questo Workshop pone a tema diverse tendenze storiche e contemporanee del fumetto underground, riunendo prospettive di ricerca accademica, attività creativa e divulgazione attraverso eventi culturali di portata nazionale e internazionale. Contenitore elastico, il fumetto underground indica sia una categoria estetica adatta ad esprimere diverse istanze autoriali (genere e tradizione di riferimento sul piano narrativo e visuale, esplorazione di determinati contenuti, stilistica), che una serie di pratiche di produzione e distribuzione alternative alla stampa istituzionale che esercitano una sostanziale influenza sul mondo del fumetto mainstream. [mehr]
Reign or colony? Charles V’s succession to the Spanish Crown (1516) and the inclusion of Sicily into the domains of the empire visibly affected the socio-political and cultural conditions of the island. These transformations were mirrored in the artistic and architectonical production of Cinquecento and the beginning of the Seicento, and may be interpreted both as manifestations or consequences to the Hapsburg presence on the island, and as forms of expression of local communities' identities. [mehr]

The Fragility of Pastel

Pastel is a difficult medium for art history. Its origin is obscure, its classification complex, its status suspended between painting and drawing, between preparatory and finished work. One thing about pastel is clear, though: its extreme susceptibility to damage. [mehr]

Art to Numbers - Ph.D. Seminar

Ph.D. seminar
Practical implementation and theoretical analysis of visual similarity in the context of (digital) art history, with a short hands-on introduction to the ImageGraph tool and invites participants to discuss how digital methods can assist art historical research methodologies. [mehr]

From Concepts to Tools

  • Event with pre-registration onsite and online via Zoom
  • Datum: 11.05.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 12:30
  • Vortragende(r): Workshop
Practical implementation and theoretical analysis of visual similarity in the context of (digital) art history, with a short hands-on introduction to the ImageGraph tool and invites participants to discuss how digital methods can assist art historical research methodologies. [mehr]
The IIIF Reader is a tool designed for annotating and visualizing images through the International Image Interoperability Framework, this workshop aims at presenting and using it. [mehr]
L’arte dell’underground riunisce alcuni protagonisti e studios* dell'underground per un confronto collettivo sui veicoli, le forme e la diffusione della controcultura italiana e internazionale dagli anni Settanta a oggi. L’evento è organizzato nell’ambito della collaborazione tra la Bibliotheca Hertziana e l’archivio della Fondazione Echaurren Salaris, la "Collezione digitale sull’arte e la politica in Italia negli anni sessanta e settanta". [mehr]
Machine Learning has changed the stakes in architectural and urban research, but how can we devise and cross-fertilize comprehensive and innovative research methodologies that consider the city both through events and as an object of a longue durée? [mehr]

Contemporaneità barocca: riletture incrociate di due mostre attuali

Il workshop si pone come obiettivo principale quello di comprendere l’arte del presente e il suo riutilizzo del passato, instaurando un dialogo interdisciplinare sulle nozioni di temporalità e storicità a partire da un confronto diretto con le opere esposte all’interno delle due mostre Tempo Barocco (Gallerie Nazionali Palazzo Barberini) e Damien Hirst-Archaeology Now (Galleria Borghese). [mehr]

Marble. Connections and Refractions

Few materials have been such a constant and dominant factor in the history of the arts as the material of marble. Considering marble both as a “raw” material and as a medium that, through its materiality, gains meaning, this workshop will explore new perspectives in the field. [mehr]
"Benché senza colori abbino tutta la forza dell’arte". In questo modo, nel 1590, Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo descriveva le opere realizzate a chiaroscuro, restituendo tutta la complessità teorica di un’opera pittorica eseguita con una tavolozza ridotta. Una pittura così realizzata, infatti, assume un singolare vigore espressivo in virtù dell’assenza della consueta policromia a suggerire i colori della realtà. [mehr]

Remediated Maps. Transmedial Approaches to Cartographic Imagination

  • Online event via Zoom
  • Beginn: 12.04.2021 14:30
  • Ende: 14.04.2021 19:00
  • Vortragende(r): Workshop
The workshop aims at extending the research horizons developed in the last years around the cartographic image, to deepen the methodologies of the so called cartographic turn and revise its categories of analysis in a transmedial perspective. [mehr]

Zur Medialität des Todes in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit

Der Workshop fokussiert auf Riten, Räume und Objekte, die in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit dem Tod und seiner Vermittlung gewidmet waren. Dabei sollen die zentralen, in Bezug auf den Leib Christi erkennbaren Medialitätskonzepte mit ihren Evokationen und Graduierungen von Präsenz bzw. Absenz etwa auch hinsichtlich ihrer zeitgenössischen Übertragung auf die Körper einfacher Sterblicher untersucht werden. [mehr]

Interrupted Architectures: Unfinished Medieval Buildings between Failure and 'Open Work' (11th-14th century)

In recent years the concept of the ‘Unfinished’ in contemporary architecture has undergone a significant critical development. From a theoretic standpoint, the Unfinished is mainly associated with Umberto Eco’s concept of ‘Open work’, which stresses the aspects of fluidity and the openness of contemporary works of art and the arduousness of circumscribing a creative process. [mehr]
Manifestations of prehistoric visual art are preserved across the globe. Prehistoric sites have been part of the imaginary of cultural communities on all continents. This heritage generates an awareness of a shared humanity and our creative faculties. Understanding and safeguarding rock art requires the collaborative effort of cultural communities, archaeologists, conservation specialists, ethnographers, anthropologists, linguists, art historians and artists. [mehr]
The reassertion of space as the gravitational centre of cultural enquiry and the consequent recognition of the constructed nature of spatial imaginaries, has contributed to the intensification of a real "cartographic turn" in the human and social sciences. [mehr]
Un evento dell'Ambasciata della Repubblica Federale di Gemania a Roma, con la collaborazione della Bibliotheca Hertziana - Istituto Max Planck per la storia dell'arte. [mehr]
The Italia illustrata (written in the 1450s and published 1474) is a historical and geographical description of Italy in a topographical order. Biondo's narrative is based on a number of empirical sources, some are known, some are unknown and open for speculations. [mehr]
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