Performances in the Garden: Ghosts are Welcomed to the Garden


  • Previa registrazione obbligatoria
  • Datum: 28.05.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 19:00 - 20:30
  • Vortragende(r): Performance
  • Ort: Istituto Svizzero
  • Raum: Entrance: Via Liguria 20, 00187 Rome
  • Kontakt:
Performances in the Garden: Ghosts are Welcomed to the Garden
Il giardino è un luogo domestico oppure no? È custodito, protetto dalle mura, è progettato e gestito dalla/dal giardiniera/giardiniere, supervisionato dalla/dal proprietaria/proprietario. Eppure, c’è qualcosa di misteriosamente incontrollabile che striscia nei suoi angoli d’ombra, fruscia nei cespugli nella notte più silenziosa. Uccelli, insetti e venti non si curano delle recinzioni e delle politiche di proprietà privata, vi dimorano senza chiedere il permesso, creando i loro sconcertanti habitat o soggiorni, ignorando l’ordine stabilito. Lo stesso vale per i fantasmi.

Espulsi dalla propria vita, vagano alla ricerca di un angolo di riposo e probabilmente di qualche orecchio che ascolti i loro segreti. Il giardino, che spesso è un rifugio per malinconiche/malinconici e perdigiorno, li attrae promettendo loro la possibilità di incontrare compagni/compagne tolleranti. Accogliamoli e ascoltiamo le loro storie di vita ultraterrena.

English version:
Is the garden a domesticated place or not entirely? it is guarded, protected by the walls, it is designed and managed by the gardener, supervised by the owner. Yet, there is something mysteriously uncontrollable, that crawls in its shadowy nooks, rustles in the thiskets amidst the quietest night. Birds, insects and winds don’t care about the fences and private property policies, dwell there without asking permission, creating their baffling habitats or sojourns, ignorant of established order. So do ghosts. Expelled from their own lives, they are wandering in search of a restful corner and probably some ears that would listen to their secrets. Garden, which is often a refuge for melancholics and loiterers, attracts them promising a chance to meet tolerant companions. Let us welcome them and listen to their stories of afterlife.

Performer: Dasha Chechushkova, Olena Siyatovska, Borys Kashapov

Le performance sono curate da Lesia Kulchynska, attualmente borsista presso il Max Planck Institute for Art History di Roma, nell’ambito del programma #ScienceForUkraine Art History Fellowships della Bibliotheca Hertziana in collaborazione con l’Istituto Svizzero.

Daria Chechushkova was born in Odessa, Ukraine. She graduated from the College of Arts named after Mitrofan Grekov in Odessa (2014-2018), entered the National Academy of Arts in Kiev, changed specialization of graphics to theory after one academic year (2018-2023). At present she lives and works in her hometown,Odessa.

Olena Siatovska was born in the Czech Republic. She grew up in Dnipro, lives and works in Kyiv. She studied at the National University of Oles Honchar (Ukraine) and University of Fine Arts in Poznan (Poland).Siyatovska focuses on social relations, human rights, and identity in the digital dimension. She works with new media, performance, video and installation. She received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of Poland “Gaude Polonia” in 2019 and has participated in exhibitions and residencies in Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Germany. “I am Michelle” documentary film is the directing debut of Siyatovska. Project was supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in 2020 and the British Council Ukraine in 2021.

Borys Kashapov is a Kyiv based artist, a graduate of the Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia. Kashapov was a member of the REP Group, the Penoplast dream-band, The Gay Carousel collective. Initiator of many self-organizing projects and alter-institutional artistic practices. Works with video, performance. Through his works he explores power relations in art, and political aspects of the form.

Questa performance fa parte di un programma serale piú esteso del quale si trovano ulteriori informazioni qui di seguito:
Le performance avranno luogo nel giardino dell’Istituto Svizzero dalle H19:00 alle 22:00.
Ingresso gratuito, registrarsi qui.

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