Writing on Tombs. Narratives, Rules, Inscriptions in Medieval and Early Modern Times
- Beginn: 13.06.2022 09:30
- Ende: 14.06.2022 18:00
- Vortragende(r): Conference
- Ort: Roma (Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Roma) and Naples (Via Mezzocannone 8, Sala Giovanni Pontano, 80134 Napoli)
- Kontakt: rossi@biblhertz.it

This conference aims to answer to some questions reflecting on texts and writings related to tombs from multiple points of view. The first one concerns narration: it includes literary and periegetic descriptions, texts produced for funerals, private charters (wills, donations pro anima, contracts between patrons and artists) and the institutional ones (pastoral visits, health surveys). The second one invests normative aspects: the regulations issued by institutions but also the non-formal rules consolidated by social practices. The last element of interest is the epigraphic component of tombs, that is, writings displayed on tombstones and sepulchral monuments, but also on the catafalques and the mourning decorations employed to adorn houses and churches in funeral ceremonies, before the deposition in the tombs.
Scientific Organization: Vinni Lucherini, Tanja Michalsky, Diego Carnevale
You can follow the event via streaming:
Day 1 : urly.it/3ntmg
Day 2 : urly.it/3ntmh
Caption: Tino di Camaino, Funerary monument of Mary of Hungary (d. 1323), detail of the epigraph. Naples, church of Santa Maria Donnaregina Vecchia (photo Bibliotheca Hertziana/Marco Pedicini)