- Modern Art and Architecture in Rome (XVII-XIX Century)
- Art historiography
- Dispersion and Destruction of Cultural Heritage
- Cartography
Promoting the Image of Rome: Guidebooksbetween the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Alessio Ciannarella obtained his Ph.D. in History of
Art from the University of Rome La Sapienza (2024), supervised by Prof. Stefano
Pierguidi. His dissertation analyzed the evolution of guidebooks published in
Rome between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, focusing on their
editorial history and their relationship to contemporary cartographic
He is member of the Sapienza Research Group
"Giovanni Gaetano Bottari (1689–1775) and His Legacy: Art History,
Museums, Conservation in the Eighteenth Century Europe." The project explores
the ideas on the visual arts of this protagonist of the eighteenth-century European
cultural scene.