The Worksite in the 16th Century: Architecture and Decoration. Fontainebleau
International Study Seminar
- Public event without registration
- Beginn: 30.11.2023 14:30
- Ende: 01.12.2023 19:00
- Vortragende(r): International Study Seminar
- Ort: 30.11.2023: Académie de France à Rome, Villa Médicis, Viale della Trinità dei Monti 1, 00187 Rome, 01.12.2023: Bibliotheca Hertziana, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Rome / and online
- Kontakt:

The fresco and stucco decoration of the Château de Fontainebleau is the result of the interventions at different times of Italian artists from various generations and geographical and stylistic traditions : Rosso Fiorentino, Primaticcio, Niccolò dell'Abate and their assistants, moving from a technical and stylistic background rooted in Florence, Rome, Mantua and Genoa, created solutions that responded to the new context and in turn gave rise to new developments in France, and then back with autonomous results in Italy itself.
The connection between drawings and frescoes, the innovative contribution of stucco, the relationship between technical and material options and stylistic resolutions can be usefully reconsidered in the perspective of the artistic workshop, on the background of the great topic of relations between national traditions and the circulation they presuppose.
Admission and how to partecipate in remote:
30.11.2023 Free admission subject to booking:
01.12.2023 Free admission within the limit of available places and by remote link:
Thursday November 30th, 2023, 14.30-19.00 Academy of France - Villa Medici, salle cinéma
Sam Stourdzé et Francesca Alberti Welcome greetings
14.45 Letizia Tedeschi, Archivio del Moderno-USI, Silvia Ginzburg, Università degli studi Roma Tre
Introduction to the proceedings
First session, Chair: Dominique Cordellier
15.00 Oriane Beaufils, Château de Fontainebleau
Aux origines de Rosso Fiorentino "décorateur”
15.20 Vittoria Romani, Università di Padova
Osservazioni sul percorso di Primaticcio
15.40 Laura Stagno, Università di Genova
Il cantiere periniano di Palazzo del Principe: alcune osservazioni
16.00 Discussion
Coffee break
Second session , Chair: Vitale Zanchettin
17.00 Serena Quagliaroli, Università di Torino
Roma-Fontainebleau andate e ritorni: lo stucco nei cantieri dell’Urbe (1527-1550 ca.)
17.20 Clara Seghesio, Università di Torino
Il cantiere di Palazzo Ricci Sacchetti. Una rilettura dell’attività di Ponce Jacquiot e altre proposte
17.40 Guillaume Fonkenell, Château d'Ecouen
La place de l'Italie dans la genèse d'une sculpture " classique " en France à la Renaissance
18.00-19.00 Discussion
Friday, December 1st, 2023, 14.30-19.00 Bibliotheca Hertziana
Third session, Chair: Vittoria Romani
14.30 Carmelo Occhipinti, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Modi di fruizione (e di illuminazione) a Fontainebleau, tra "cabinets" e "galeries"
14.50 Mathieu Deldicque, Musée Condé, Chantilly
Un château de papier. Les décors bellifontains au prisme du dessin
15.10 Dominique Cordellier, Musée du Louvre
Questions primaticiennes: maitre et collaborateurs sur le chantier de Fontainebleau considérés à partir de leurs dessins
15.30 Discussion
Coffee break
Fourth session, Chair: Silvia Ginzburg
16.30 Marcello Calogero, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
La committenza del cardinale Giovanni Salviati: arte e politica tra Roma e la Francia (1527-1537)
16.50 Giulia Spoltore, Archivio del Moderno-USI
Nota a margine della cappella Landi: un indizio per la circolazione di modelli (e la trasposizione in diversi media) tra Francia e Italia
17.10 Giovanni Renzi, Università statale di Milano
I Campi e Primaticcio: intorno all’anno 1557
Promoted by:
Acadèmie de France - Villa Médicis; Archivio del Moderno - University of Italian Switzerland;
Bibliotheca Hertziana - MaxPlanck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte; Château de Fontainebleau; Department of Humanistic Studies - University of Roma Tre; Vatican Museums, Vatican City.
In collaboration with the Department of Historical Studies, University of Turin
With the support of the Italo-French University
Scientific and organising committee:
Muriel Barbier, Oriane Beaufils, Anaïs Dorey, Silvia Ginzburg, Serena Quagliaroli, Vittoria Romani, Giulia Spoltore, Letizia Tedeschi
For information:
Académie de France à Rome - Villa Médicis
Viale della Trinità dei Monti, 1 - 00187 Rome
Bibliotheca Hertziana - Villino Stroganoff
via Gregoriana, 22 - 00187 Roma
Free admission within the limit of available places and by remote link: