Federico Marcomini, Ph.D.



  • History of architecture
  • Postcolonial studies
  • Transcultural exchanges
  • Architectural and artistic historiography


Palladianism in West Africa: The Ambiguities of an Architectural Migration


Federico Marcomini is an early-career researcher who specializes in history of architecture from a transcultural and transdisciplinary perspective. He received his PhD in History of Architecture and the City at the University of Florence (2024), where he previously obtained a Master’s degree in History of Art (2020). Currently, he is post-doctoral research fellow at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, where he collaborates with the research unit Decolonizing Italian Visual and Material Culture: From Nation Building to Now. He also worked as research assistant at the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio in Vicenza (2023–2024), and collaborates with La Sapienza University of Rome. His main research focus is the appearance and resignification of the classical language of architecture in novel geographies and chronologies. In his doctoral dissertation, he analyzed the adoption of the classical language in Astana, the purpose-built capital of Kazakhstan since 1997. His current research project investigates the uses of classical and Palladian features in the architecture of Liberia, West Africa, engaging with postcolonial and decolonial theories to unpack the cultural implications of this phenomenon. His work has been disseminated through scholarly publications and presentations at international and interdisciplinary conferences.

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