Research Seminar Series "Methodology and Ideology: Critical Perspectives on the Historical Paradigms of Art History" (6th Research Seminar): Whose 'Reality'? Art, Philosophy and Ideology in the ČSSR, 1948-1978
Research Seminar
- Public event without registration
- Datum: 12.06.2023
- Uhrzeit: 11:00 - 13:00
- Vortragende: Hana Gründler
- Ort: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Rome and online
- Gastgeber:
- Kontakt:

As will be shown, the conscious questioning of ideologically prescribed norms and realities went hand in hand with an insistence on the disruptive dimension of imagination that could foster powerful counter-narratives to the official propaganda discourses of the regime. Last but not least, I shall discuss how these aesthetic practices can represent important examples of critically reflecting on the dangers of rigid (methodological) ideologies even today.
Hana Gründler is a Permanent Senior Research Scholar and Head of the Research Group Ethico-Aesthetics of the Visual at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut. Her research areas include the intersections of philosophy and art (history), extending from the early modern period to the present time. Currently she is writing a book on Czech art and philosophy in the international context, 1960–1990. Among her publications are the monograph Die Dunkelheit der Episteme. Zur Kunst des aufmerksamen Sehens (Berlin 2019), the special issue of the kritische berichte “Phenomenon Colour: Aesthetics – Epistemology – Politics” (Munich 2022) as well as articles on the ethical dimension of art and visibility. She is also a co-editor of the Edition Giorgio Vasari and editor of Leon Battista Alberti’s moral dialogue On the Tranquillity of the Soul (Berlin 2022).
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Scientific Organization: Tobias Teutenberg, Giovanna Targia (University of Zurich)
This event is part of the Research Seminars Series "Methodology and Ideology: Critical Perspectives on the Historical Paradigms of Art History" (6th Seminar)